¿Español o inglés?
¿Español o inglés? Understanding U.S. Hispanic Language Preferences. Spanish has held families and cultures together for centuries and serves as a source of cultural fulfillment for U.S. Hispanics; however, many marketers, and their clients, are asking: "Is Spanish likely to remain the language of preference among U.S. Hispanics? Or will English become more important as consumers acculturate?"
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¿Como se dice “green” en español?
¿Como se dice “green” en español? A recent EcoPulse survey showed that Latinos are not only the country's fastest growing consumer group, but are arguably the greenest group, as well.
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Color in Culture
Color in Culture Remembering to cater to various cultures as you develop your business model is a key aspect to consider.
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Is Hispanic Marketing an Afterthought?
Is Hispanic Marketing an Afterthought? Why does Hispanic marketing continue to be an afterthought for many companies; yet those companies who have invested in this consumer segment - Wal-Mart, State Farm, McDonald's, and Toyota, for example - have seen their sales increase exponentially.
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